Spoke with Mike Smith today and he has finally completed cutting hay out at the farm...glory to God...Mike got caught in all the hurricane weather 2 weeks ago and just had to wait for things to dry out and dry out it did. Looks like our first cutting will make approx. 200 round bales...Wow I think that's awesome, since we were thinking it would produce around the 100-150 mark. We are hoping to get 2 or 3 cuttings next year and looking forward to improving the quality .
Another blessed moment in my day was a phone call from my best friend Jess Tevebaugh....DVM. Before I go any further let me say that God is in the relationship business and first and foremost he desires a relationship with each one of us and then I believe we are called to develope life relationships we each other, for many years I destroyed and torn down any relationship I had with friends and family and God. That is what happens when one is filled with self and doesn't believe he or in this case myself is under authority and answers to no one....Boy was I wrong!!!! God has been faithful and has slowly helped me to restore my relationship with Jess and his wife Sherree. Although it has been many years since we have seen each other physically..I look forward to the day I can give them both a hug and say to them both face to face that I'am truly sorry for my wrong doings and childish behavior...no one deserves to be treated like that(Sherree) ever. My joy comes from knowing that Jess and Sherree both love the Lord and with that comes someone who knows how to forgive, just as God has forgiven us and for that I'am very, very thankful. That day will be here soon enough..God's willing...because let me tell ya God is seldom early but He is never late!!
With all that said...the phone call from Jess was to let me and Emily know that we're now in the bull business....he found a yearling heifer and away we go!!!! Hey Page & Teague got started somewhere? Looking forward and excited to see what God does with our little girl. Hopefully we can post a pic of her later on down the line. Well it's late. I better get some shuteye because I know that Emily and the kids are getting thiers..see pic's.
Goodnight & God bless,
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